Well, we'd been doing annoy-a-trons (electronic thing that lets out a high-pitched noise every 2-8 minutes randomly) for a few weeks, but people were already making fun of us for having such a wuss senior prank. So our valedictorian, my One, and I (great team, right?) got the security code and broke into the school an hour before it started. We set a chicken loose in one of the bathrooms, and it freaked out one area of the building before being chased out. We also filled up one bathroom to the brim with some plastic junk from Tyler's work at Brookshire's. We also put sardines in the ceiling... On our way out, the clever valedictorian, instead of pushing the "Empty House" button on the security code thing, he pushed the "Ambulance" button. This is how we ended up with all-day detentions (although they were caught first period, and I wasn't caught till third) and a $25 fine. Now our lil' prank will be remembered.
I also graduated on friday, which was handy, 'cause I'm a huge fan of graduating from high school. I stood out a lil' bit as the only one who decorated their graduation cap, and rather extravagantly at that. I read "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" at the event, and although I was spewing stage fright left and right, everyone else seemed to think I did fine.
Saturday was the lakehouse. Many times, everything just seems to come together, but it just wasn't the right combination of people, so it stunk loads.
Sunday had a Kenya meeting with some of our core people (Danae, Angela, Spring, and I) where we all planned our messages and things, and we came to grips with what exactly we were dealing with. I worked with kids almost exclusively last time, so I didn't get an idea of what the youth there deal with. That meeting was followed by small groups, and we finished up our Holy Spirit series with Tongues. There are a LOT of different takes on that, by the way. Lauren KP, Katie, Michelle, and Renee all came over to the lakehouse that night, along with a few stragglers (the Morrises and Megan Wood), and that was a good combination of company. But it only lasted till noon the next day, which kinda dampened it.
Today, monday, after I left the lakehouse, I joined the graduation party for Jordan and Josh Newman. It was pretty hap'nin, and was followed by a music video for Nate James filmed at my house. I must admit, I'm a camera hog.
The future is too far to think of. I've got a summer to think about, and all the loads of stuff God has for me. And believe me, He has PLENTY of junk for me to do.
I love the lake.
Thank you so very much for sharing it with us :)
Oh, & congrats on graduation :)
Congratulations on graduating. Everyone I talked to said they had fun at the lakehouse. Thanks for helping us out with the music video.
thanks for hosting us for such a short time.
congrats on graduating!
JBU will be so much better than high school i promise.
Yay you spelled my name right!! :P.
The Kenya meeting was very.. uh.. Real. I'm not sure how to explain it, but i needed it. Just to realize how much work we are going to be doing while we're there. Cause lately i've been getting caught up in preparing. But while we were all praying I just felt peace, and an awareness of how much we truly are doing spiritually while we're there.. Plus, it got me super stoked!! Esp. when spring was talking about how much some people will hate us cause of the amount of good that we will be getting done!! I'm really excited for that! :P lol.
Whoa, this is a long comment.. sorry :p.
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