Yesterday, I had my heart-to-heart with Chad Rush, during which time I learned vaguely what had kept him from being what he needed to be all this time, and his resolve to do things right. We discussed Alex Perez and Josh Rackley, and how no matter how much I wanted to help, those two would see me in the wrong light, and Chad was the one that could make a difference with them.
Directly after this, the student leaders went for an SL Fun Night at the drive-in movies. This was the first time I had ever been to a drive-in movie, so it deserves props for that. The company, mostly Megan Ferguson and Wood, was fun too. However, although we could see Wolverine and Star Trek (both of which I've heard good things about) playing nearby, we were seeing Monsters Vs. Aliens. I haven't seen a good action movie in awhile, so it stunk that I didn't get to.
If anyone wants to go see a good movie in like two weeks, I'm game. Or maybe a midnight showing the night before graduation?
i love the drive in :)
where did y'all go? we head over to ennis; that's the only one i know of...
We went to Ennis too.
I'm really glad that yalls heart-to-heart thing went well!! I often pray for Alex and Josh, Just waiting in faith for someone to come their way and put them "back on track"
& i too was slightly dissapointed that we didn't see a different movie, but i understand why we had to see the one that we did.
plus, im offended that you didn't mention me!! haha just kiddin'. Cause we didn't really hang out at all, i just took your cherry limeaid when you weren't looking and that was really the extent of it. HaHaHa..
Have a good week(:
I don't want a place on your blog anymore!!
And yes, i did take your cherry limeaid..
So take that cookie and eat it!!!
I saw your comment on Brett's blog. Definitely do video. That would be cool. And if both of you guys do video, I might even do video.
i'm game for star trek.
are there any good midnight showings before graduation? that sounds promising.
i don't want to pay for wolverine twice. It was good and all, but the script was really lacking.
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