The mountain is getting smaller.
On Wednesday, God spoke to me in the clearest, most forceful way He's spoken in a long time. It was in the middle of worship, and he told me to go and make rapid motions for the junior highers to jump, or move, or do something, 'cause they were all just standing there, like three rows of them. God wanted to release a freedom into the place, and since they weren't acting free in their movements, it was challenging for the freedom to manifest in the rest of them. The song ended, and I still hadn't done what God told me, but then they brought it back one more time, so I obeyed, and they still didn't move. A few laughed 'cause I looked a lil' silly running to them in the middle of worship, waving my arms around, and then running back to where I was.
I texted Shayna about it later, and we agreed that the lesson this Sunday would have to be on the power of the Dance. Since our last discussion was on prophecy, and this was a prophetic word, we figured it went with the theme enough.
That's really cool!
And sorta sad that they still didn't interact. But God will bless you for your obedience to Him.
& yes i agree- Dance is extremely powerful, It's also a form of worship that i believe isn't used as often as it should. People are sometimes too reserved and stay in their lil "comfort zone/safety box" when God is actually calling us all to go all out for him, as well as being completely undignified in His presence. Psalm 149:3. Done&Done
I remember you doing that.
You actually scared me at first because I didn't know who was running in my direction (since I stand a bit in front of the Junior Highers). :P
Great job, listening to what He told you- even though it didn't appear to make them any more willing to dance. At least you stepped out in what He told you to do!
I wish some of the students weren't so statue like during worship. Worship is supposed to be fun, not stifling.
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