At our Kenya meeting today, Jason was explaining what he felt our team would be doing in Kenya spiritually. As soon as he finished talking, he said aloud that something was brewing in me, and he would wait till I shared it. I reached for what God wanted me to share and found it. I had been thinking about prophecy and how, when God gave me words in Paradigm during worship, I always told them to Pastor Nick, and they were always off from what was going on that night. But prophecy doesn't always fit right in with everything in the usual way. It's like an orchestra, with different instruments playing different notes and whatnot, coming together to make the right melody. The fact that this came to mind means I've been doing something right since our last meeting.
Also, we had our small group scavenger hunt tonight. Ours kicked some rear. We had the largest group, with twenty junior highers. We had to take two packed vans, and it was loads of fun. Some were disappointed that we placed 3rd of six. The experience exceeded my expectations, 'cause the pizza provided afterwards was so very good.
I love the action shot photo of you all running. Props for taking 3rd place.
i think God can work through you, no matter if you're doing things right or not. So long as you're looking for His will.
Sorry it took me so long to post here. I've been crazy mad busy all this week and last with insane amounts of studying.
I'm glad you had such a killer time!
He was the dad in the Addams Family...
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