Last night, when I planned to go to the live recording of Regeneration at CFNI, I fell asleep. Luckily, I eventually woke up. After showering and watching The Office, I set off for Daniel Lewis's house, and spent the night at his pad. This morning, my mom and I left from his house to go to a prophetic conference thing in Denton. It was just kinda weird. It was like a Jewish Christian charismatic church. They taught on the power of the shofar, a horn in the Bible, and were selling cds of the shofar being blown in different ways and different feasts and stuff. And they only had verses quoted from the Old Testament, which is alright, but I like to have some balance. I tried to enjoy it, honest. But every five minutes they would talk about some shofar word in Hebrew and everyone would get up and sing in Tongues as they blew the horn, while a lady went through the isles doing a prophetic dance and waving her skirt at people to overcome them with the Spirit. All the while, the main speaker was interpreting her prophetic dance.
When it was my turn to be ministered to personally, the guy said something akin to, "All this guilt and shame from curses spoken over you will now be broken off. They don't have a hold on you. (I don't remember if he said something else here). God wants to give you a heart for your generation." -Guy with really light green eyes.
I dunno what that was referring to, but I figured that it was legit, 'cause he was right on the money when prophesying to my mom. Maybe the curses are referring to time management, or me being bad at math and science, or something else? I dunno.
When I read your prophecy I thought the curses referred to negative comments from your math teacher [I don't remember his name]. But perhaps its a little much of me to try and interpret what that word means to you. Just saying.
be extremely wary of accepting any prophecy if God hasn't already been dealing with you about the same thing. just a word to the wise.
as i was driving back to JBU i saw a sign that said "school of Zion", with an arrow pointing off into the distance to the left of my car.
read this post and your newest one also.
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