I FINALLY got my Word time in today. Unfortunately, it was a little late. Without ample Word time (more than just the daily Proverb) for more than a few days, I turn into who I used to be. I was SOOOOO very loud and obnoxious and stupid in classes today. I ended up realizing it, but the damage was done, and all I could do was shut up and bide my time till I could read my Word before Paradigm.
During the worship tonight, God brought to mind how I've been thinking almost consciously that I am going be dropping some standards when I go to college. Being at the college campus for just a weekend got my humor a lil' dirtier. I felt like I would have to lower standards to get along over there. But then Pastor Nick preached, and it totally hit home. My standards aren't defined by the people around me. I can live the righteous life He has called me to without having to "adapt" to fit in with the people around me. It seems elementary, but I was actually planning on letting things slide. I also had a good follow-up talk with Pastor Nick.
I'm proud of you London. Don't let those standards drop!
totally understand what you mean about becoming the person you used to be when you don't have your word time. i'm exactly the same way. and if i let it go long enough i begin to dislike who i'm becoming. or re-becoming. or whatever.
keep that in mind about not letting your standards drop. the danger is when you don't realize that your standards are dropping. as long as it's on your mind and your heart is in the right place, you'll be just fine.
i freaking <3 you london. just btw ;)
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