The short film that we made together has been submitted to festivals, though he referred to it as more of a fun thing. But also admitted that he had been surprised by the films he had made in the past that had gotten into festivals, so who knows.
We also discussed my mom's properties in Canton as shoot locations. And now that I am thinking of this film, those spots seem like they could add a lot to the movie, and would be fairly easy in terms of only having one primary location.
The actor's strike continues, and updates indicate that they have lots of negotiating to go through still. I keep seeing tweets that indicate that there will be an industry contraction, less shows being made. But then again, the shows that were made were not paying. It seems like if I can land something after these strikes end, I have a chance at making a living.
But until that happens, I keep trying to work odd jobs. Maybe I can finish scripts. I feel like I am so slow about it, given the amount of time on my hands.
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