Saturday, March 22, 2014

Glasgow CouchSurfing

I finally used and I am a fan. My last two meals were free, as was my bed (a mattress with my sleeping bag and also another human there). The downside/upside is that I met a dozen people that were drinking at my host's flat last night. It was nice to meet so many people of so many cultures at once, but the performer and the introvert in me both need their time. And that time isn't shared. 

Jamie Odom introduced me to some online writing work. I'm looking forward to using that more frequently. I don't think I can make money at the rate that I'm spending it, but hopefully I can at least help the hurt a lil'.

I'm hoping to go to Edinburgh tomorrow, though I'm still waiting for confirmation from a host. I've only gotten a "maybe". I'm welcome at the flat where I'm staying, but there are just so many people here. And of course, there's also the issue of not being able to get in/out as I'd like.

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