I choose my friends carefully.
To recap some of Paradigm's week of YFN...
Monday, Pastor Jaycee talked about the phases the demon-possessed guy in Mark 5 went through to be "crazy". It was really good and practical.
Tuesday, Pastors Adam and Banning both spoke for the morning sessions for the leaders' stuff. Pastor Banning, the leader of the whole Jesus Culture movement, spoke on "Pressure-Free Ministry", all about how to look at yourself and how to give your youth group the courage to go after God. One great quote from him in that was "You need to stop hurrying to the inner place of anointing and take time to die in the outer court." It was in reference to us being in a journey, a process, not just jumping into a place of crazy anointing.
That night, Pastor Banning spoke on how to get a passion for God, but what I learned the most was about how his view of worship was. I always viewed it as an exchange. I go crazy during worship and give it to Him, and He pours some love on me, and I send it right back at him. But Pastor Banning focused more on how you need to sit and just feel His love, and stop trying.
Wednesday, Pastor Adam McCain spoke on fearing God. He's not just your best friend, He is the Lord God Almighty, and it's the biggest privilege to worship Him and to have His love cover us. So good.
Thursday was quite a day. Banning switched what he was speaking on from prayer to holiness. One of the references he used was the verse in the beginning of Romans saying that Jesus' power came from His holiness. To be holy is to be set apart, and the only way to do that is to say one big "YES" to God and go all in, 100%. He was just explaining this and talking about a few miracles when he just says to the crowd "If you have scoliosis, please stand up and test to see if you still have it." All of a sudden people all over the room were shouting 'cause they'd been healed. Then Banning had people pray over whoever was standing, and people with dyslexia, injuries, arthritis, and all other kinds of stuff got healed. What I really loved about the way Pastor Banning carried it out was that he was simple, and he wasn't showy at all. He just let God do it all. He wanted to put it in our minds that we can do the same stuff he's doing if we just pursue holiness and chase after God. So good! Oh, and after all this, the junior high girls from my small group all got drunk in the Spirit. I'm so proud of them!
Throughout the week, I got to see like half of my Core siblings, which was so, SO very good. I miss them terribly.
Werent you in the core with someone named danae, But she spelled her name funny?? Cause i remember meeting someone named danae a couple years ago... I think she was in the core...?
Yes to the above comment. ;) That's me.
It was an amazing week now that I look back on it. I didn't catch everything there while I was there. Now I'm starting to see. haha odd how that happens. It certainly was wonderful to see my Core family again, too!!
It was a great week.
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