I went to YFN on tuesday and heard Carey Robinson speak. The next day, at Paradigm, I heard him preach the same sermon. Somehow, the message finally got to me. "What do you want?" The immediate answer that came to mind was, "To follow God's will." But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that if following God's will was my main goal, something is off. "To follow God's heart" came to mind as a more appropriate answer.
See, I get stuck in the workings of doing God's will so much that I don't make time to get to know Him. Lately, I've been feeling a lil' spiritually low on juice, and I wondered why, 'cause I know I've been reading my Word, so I should be in the clear. But then I realized that I've been munching on my Word, then poopin' it out without digesting it.
I need to go after the heart of God, to be personal and intimate with Him, rather than just doing His will.
Don't be so quick to poop out the word.
I just wanted to say that because it sounds so funny.
This is a very good post my friend! I am enjoying the picture too :)
i'm prety sure God's heart and will are the same. we work differently because we have different forces tugging at us, but he is consistent throughout.
i was reading Jesus' message to his disciples at the last supper yesterday and was struck again by his statement "i am the way, the truth, and the life". in exodus 33:13 Moses asked the Father: "now if I have found favor in your sight, show me your way, that I may know you". later in Psalm 27 David wrote "teach me your way oh Lord".
but Jesus breaks it down simple. the only way to know God, his will or his heart, is through knowing Jesus.
AMEN. There's a whole bunch of heartful uh-huh's in that one word. good stuff, brother.
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