I haven't been updating much 'cause summer is lazy/busy...
My One and my brother are dating. Weird? Yes.
Then I had a "real" dream last night, which is where I learn what my subconscious is thinkin' about. From what I remember, Josh Newman, Pasha, Jordan, Elinor, and I were all in a van with an African guy driving. I remember wanting to tell Newman about Elinor and Preston dating, but we couldn't find a time when everyone wasn't around. Then I made a comment about it to Elinor, and she got a lil' mad.
I learned from this that I need to give my brother's new relationship to God and not think about it, find time to hang out with Newman, and go to Africa to have an African drive me around in a van.
Africa is coming up so soon. I hope everything goes well while you are down there.
Whoa.. That's pretty crazy/weird/cool/awesome.
I can't wait till AFRICA!!! Only 4 more days!. And i'm really excited that they decided to go ahead and pray us out afterall. Cause for me it just felt more "official" [for lack of a better word] when they did that(:
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