Ah, the joys of summer. Time for a quick catch-up (not ketchup) time, a'ight? So, first I went to Kenya for two weeks. It was warmer and wetter than last year, which I thought would be a plus until I woke up in the middle of the night to "ZZZZZZZZZEEAAAAUUUWWWWW" flying by my ear. I wacked myself in the head many a time trying to get those mosquitoes, or "maussies", as Gavin Audognotti, my roommate while I was there, called them.
I preached/taught three times. The first was on "Superpowers Through Christ", where I focused on the right heart and mindset when you go about prayer and working in the supernatural. One guy came up to me later and told me that it would change his life.
I preached at our youth event on "Christianity on the Offense", where my main comparison was a soccer analogy. Unfortunately, I didn't think to repeat the analogy, so I ended up sounding a bit off. I also accidentally said, "Offensive Christianity", which confused the translator.
The only message I had completely written out and prepared was about being heard by your authority. When you write a message at three in the morning the day you're leaving, most of the words just might end up being more God than you. I taught it for sunday school, but most of the people there were teenagers, who, like me, get bored pretty easily.
Oh, I almost forgot; I'm a celebrity in Kenya. Every kid at the G.C.C. (the place that houses all the AIDS and HIV kids) and the school nearby recognized me and yelled out my name as soon as I got there.
While on safari, I ran into some punk tribesman that thought they could jump higher than me. I beat the first Masai, but then they sent out their best, and frankly, I didn't wanna embarrass them with my skills.
If you wanna hear more, I'm making another scrapbook-type thing with Publisher, and that will have whatever journal entries I had time to do.
HaHaHa. I had often wondered how to spell out the mosquito buzzing sounds. Cause i wrote about that in my journal a couple of times :P It was the worst at the maasai mara for me though. Stupid buzzing mossies!!
I'd love to hear more, but I don't care for publisher much. Just saying.
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