I don't know fully why this week has been so atrocious, but I do know what God has been telling me through it all.
On monday, I got the news at school that Tyler was valedictorian and Pasha was salutatorian. Don't worry, I wasn't jealous. I knew how much they put into it. But when I went to the office to find out about my honors, they were not even sure if I would get any. It's kinda funny, 'cause up until this year my grade was over a 4.0. And now, because of one teacher, all that work was gone? That fast, everything I had put so much into had disappeared? Then I remembered my first car, the Scion xB. I didn't understand why God would let that happen, since it was totally Him who led us to it. Then I got in the car accident, and it was all gone in a flash. I remember saying that night as I watched them tow away the totaled automobile, "Just like that, it's simply gone." He gives and takes away. Just as He can stick a hundred dollars in my hand from nowhere (happened when I was like eleven), He can take away that same amount. Don't hold onto whatever work you've done as if it'll carry you. Only He will.
Another big thing was student council. My position in there was Historian. I was unelected, just selected. From what I can tell, I was supposed to advise student council based on past experience. I've mentioned before just how invisible I am in there. In fact, the only time I became visible was at the last meeting, when the sponsor yelled at me for having to leave set-up a lil' early. I was not visible when I presented the main ideas that made the school dance successful. Then Josh Newman presented the ideas for me, and they were accepted with open arms. ~~~~I'll stop complaining. I skipped the meeting this past wednesday because I had to meet with Jordan about our Connect class, and I was also not in the mood to be yelled at (having been on the point of tears that morning). They kicked me off because of that. So I was trying to puzzle out WHAT on EARTH could be learned from it, and (thanks to Pastor Benny Perez's podcast with Wendy Perez speaking) I came to realize that "A good name is more desirable than great riches" -Proverbs 22:1a. It goes along with the GPA thing too. Unlike Pasha, who focuses completely on school and not on friends much at all, and unlike Tyler, who focuses on Brookshires and his girlfriend for the most part, and unlike the student council members who actually don't show up for meetings, I've got a pretty good name. My rep is good. I'm at peace with people. So no matter what is done to my honors and positions, "A good name is more desirable than great riches."
Yeah, I agree its the ONLY way to drive.
I find whenever I loose things it causes me to be more dependent on Him, and that I should be actively volunteering what I have to serve others.
Sounds like a really tough week. Hopefully God can make some of it up to you this weekend. I know whenever my dad had to give me bad news he usually tried to offset it with something nice.
I know that's frustrating london... :/ but you're always learning :)
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