"Then I started back home
To the Valley of Vung.
I know I'll have troubles
I'll, maybe, get stung.
I'll always have troubles.
I'll, maybe, get bit
By that Green-Headed Quail
On the place where I sit.
"But I've bought a big bat.
I'm all ready, you see.
Now my troubles are going
To have troubles with me!"- I Had Trouble In Getting to Solla Sollew, Dr. Seuss
The whole story, the main character is trying to get to a land where there are no troubles, or at least very few. He spends ages and ages risking his life trying to get there, and when he finally arrives, he finds that the "very few" problems mentioned about this safe haven included the key to get in not fitting.
He hears about another place where there are no problems, but instead of trying for this easy way, he goes back to face his problems, and this time armed with a bat and an attitude.
I love it, 'cause it so ties in with Christianity. We have all these problems around us and think "OH GOD, DELIVER ME!". We take God as an instant ticket to easy street, when He has the tools sitting there for us to use.
We need to get TICKED at the crap the devil tries to throw at us, and all the junk in our lives, and go in there with our "bats" (or better yet, our Sword of the Spirit) and beat the crap out of what has wormed its way into our lives. We have a full suit of armor, and all the devil has are "fiery darts", which we can easily quench. GO ON THE OFFENSIVE WITH YOUR CHRISTIANITY! Don't say, "It's a shame that she/he's getting back into sin." Tell them, "HEY! What happened to that man/woman of God I saw before? What happened to the DIFFERENCE I could see in you and in the people around you, because of what you were doing?"
Don't stand back. Stand up.
All of our lives are "too busy" and "too hard". Are you gonna let that control you or are you gonna take the authority that God has given you and set things straight? God never intended for your life to be too full for Him to be actively working in every inch of it.
hmmm. exactly.
not a human corpse, i presume.
tell me more!
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