God has definitely been on the mind. I'm still working on figuring out some things. In our prayer team meeting today, Megan Wood said she had a vision. In it, our prayer team was in a circle in the gym, praying it up, and gradually a bunch of the rest of the school joined in. Funny thing about it was, she said that she only saw (with recognition) two people: Hannah Horton and I. Everyone was drawn to Hannah's passion, and, as for me, people were drawn to me just being real. It was nice to hear.

I also went to the dentist today, on account of my swelling. Ever heard of a submandibular duct? (Sub=under, mandible=lower jaw) Mine was clogged. In fact, it was clogged enough to make my face swell up like it did. So all that crap about an "abscessed tooth" or "a chip off of a wisdom tooth" was crazy talk. Does that crap belong in a believer anyway?
Actually, that would be highly frowned upon in the office. I'll save that idea for a later date.
I would have never imagined a saliva gland being clogged.
you gotta lotta spit. but at least your wisdom is intact.
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