Thursday, January 28, 2016


Okay, I passed both exams as nicely as ever. My higher grade (78, just below class average) was in pharmacology, which was a surprise. Rumor has it that seven questions were dropped from that exam, which would explain how I managed to pass. I made a 75 in pathology, though the average was about the same for both classes. Fortunately, pathology really doesn't worry me that much, since like half of the material is stuff that we've already learned in multiple other classes.

Tomorrow, my mom and brother visit the neighbor island via cruise, so I'm waking up early and traveling to St Kitts with a couple of friends from school.

And I'm so relieved about those grades. I still need to shape up and do way better, but it's not such an awful pressure. Can't say the same for my friends though...

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