Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I think it took living on an island as a racial and cultural minority to teach me about justice.

I'm reading the Old Testament again and God is pretty straightforward. You do wrong, consequences follow. You're still loved, and there are wrongs that you can right, but accountability remains throughout.

There are people who don't appreciate this God of the Old Testament. Many people see Him as an angry, wrathful God. And why? It was a theocracy LED by God. Executive, legislative, and judicial branches were all Him.

Justice was always present. It seems like maybe a perfect example of a constant presence of justice, and that just seems good. It seems like people dislike that depiction of God for the same reason they dislike policemen: no one likes consequences. But if you don't speed or run red lights or commit any other crimes, police officers are on your side.

I tell my white friends here that I miss white privilege in America. As a caucasian male from an upper middle class Christian family, the scales will tend to tip in my direction. But someday, I hope that both myself and my generation will be able to rise up and use our authority to make the world a more kind, just place. A place where every day isn't filled with doubt over what cards life will happen to be dealt.

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