As much as I wanted to make light of it, our FCM final was a big deal. All the upper meds said not to worry much about it; no one ever failed the FCM 1 final. But when your entire grade for a class is based on your performance in the space of 15 minutes, the pressure can't help but build. We were given 20 relatively simple questions ahead of time that were derived from our lectures, and all we had to do was show that we knew three randomly selected ones on the day of the exam. I was in one of the latest block times, 4 PM (the first were at 2 PM) which meant that I was to panic and study and let anxiety build for two hours. I was fairly relaxed at first, but with that much time to wait, the sympathetic nervous system just kinda takes over.
I forgot two small points in front of two of the professors (each of the three questions had its own professor, and you randomly selected the question itself when you first walk into the room), but some were over-eager to give them to me, so I couldn't really tell how they assessed me. This is the only class that I could possibly make an A in, and I had grown fond of the idea of doing so. That created stress. So last night, after all of the testing was done, I briefly napped (which I've become better at since I've learned to disregard my roommate in my mind) and then, later that night, found that I could not get to sleep until far past the reasonable hours. My mind would not shut up. Then, when I finally did get to sleep, I had school stress dreams, which involve signing up for a class and then forgetting you did so.
Anyway, back to the grind. Hope I made an A but maybe I made a C... Who knows...
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