Holding to a particular standard has weighed on me more when I think of the places I've frequented since graduation. When I've gone out, I've desired to go to bars, pubs, and clubs. My reasons for this became more obvious when I went on a cruise this last weekend. I became famous on the cruise after the first night because of my participation in karaoke and the dance club. My brother was critical of my desire to go to the latter function, but he simply doesn't understand my reasoning. I like the tastes of drinks, so I drink (he doesn't like the taste of drinks; he only sees it as a means to get drunk). And, of course, clubs are known for being places for men and women to dance on one another in the age-old tradition of what my brother called "wiener-butt dancing". I'm an odd type in that I just love the release of really letting loose on the dance floor.
With a little drink, it's a lil' easier to enjoy dancing. With a lil' more drink, I am more likely to fall into the same trap, as I tend to fall in love more quickly and frequently at that point. Cruises, at least Carnival ones, are a nice judgment-free zone. It's like stretching muscles that have been unused for ever so long (and also is literally that).
I also have to get intentional alone time on the cruises, so I go onto a top deck and look at the sky and write. Since I need that introvert time to be outgoing, and that time tends to be focused on God, it brings more specific direction to what I do while in the bars and clubs and karaoke. I'm there as a Christian, and that is how I, as a Christian am in such places.
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