Here's a problem I've made for myself. In the past, before I became the good student that I am now, I had a mental checklist of things to do if I found myself feeling "off" and in a weird mood. I would write out my problems, have quiet time, have God time, read my Bible, or take a nap. However, with the help of a some newer things (working out and social drinking to name a few), I found that I rarely find myself in such moods. In fact, such moods occur so rarely that I consequently rarely bother to write, have quiet time, or even make much time for God time. I do read my Bible and pray every day, but that is because it was built into my routine.
Anyway, I have recently found myself in social situations (this is new) after having my head in books all the time. These few but very concentrated social situations, with people I have spent very little time around in the recent past, have forced me to confront a few things, the most important being the lessons I have been learning lately and what God is doing in me. Naturally, I found my answers to be lacking. After all, I don't take time to reflect 'cause that is time and (more importantly) effort taken away from being better at school. Because I don't reflect, I don't learn about myself. Because I don't learn myself, I become a worse person. My character suffers. I am always seeking to improve myself. Most of what I see are flaws. Not in a bad way, but in such a way that I see something to work on, and then I do it (and God through me), and suddenly there is a part of me that's now fixed.
And now, I've already spent too much time on here. I have to study for a Virology test. I bid you fair folks adieu (KIDDING! "Adieu" is a term for an indefinitely lengthy farewell, and it won't be long till I come crawling back).
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