So, I'm rereading this book series, The Wheel Of Time. Well, it was a reread until a few books ago, and now it's almost reached the end. If you don't want spoilers, don't read on, a'ight? So, in the books, the main character, Rand, convinces himself that the only way he can save the world and defeat the Dark One is to make himself cold, distant, and hard. He does this to the point that when his hand his blown off by a fireball, he reacts no more than if he had gotten lint on his jacket.
So unfortunately, I kinda pick up on the emotional trends in these books. Though everyone in the book says it's stupid, I start thinking that I should do what Rand does, mostly because he is always talking about it as he makes decisions.
So I've kinda become distant towards people. Not all people, but it happens often. I guess I just realize how fragile and temporary all relationships are, and since I know that they aren't going to last the way they are for longer than a season, it stops feeling worth it to look past what I have to deal with. Between school, family, planning the future, and trying to discern God's opinion, people just seem like a bother, especially when my investment of time will be worth little after I graduate.
Well, no time to complete that thought. Tired again.
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