Sometimes, God hits you with a humbling smack in the face. Not that I've been particularly prideful. But putting aside Word Time is not an option. Neither is putting aside Quiet Time. You see, I went to a meeting for the Kenya missions trip today. Jason Holland, the trip leader, was very bluntly asking us questions to find out if we're at all prepared for Kenya. At the moment, I'm nowhere near prepared. But now I know what's up, and that I need to do more than just get by. When I go to Kenya, I wanna resemble Jesus to the point that I can share His words when there's a chance for me to do so.
One point he hit on that I was glad to hear was him talking about aligning your prayers with the Word. For instance, what if we pray for "God's will" to come about with a healing? The Bible doesn't tell us to pray for that. It tells us to use faith and believe for a healing, not to just pray for God's will over it. The more we know of the Word, the more we can pray Biblically accurate prayers, so that they'll have that power with them.
I'll be meeting with Jason during the week now, 'cause he made a joke about giving teachings on deliverance, but I very much wanna know what to do when I tell a demon to leave a person, and the demon says "no".
let me know about the demon thing.
great picture
i know what you mean, the feeling of unpreparedness. but no matter how much you prepare or feel like you didnt get to before the trip, God honors the heart and uses the willing. and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
you rock london. it's fun to watch your progress ^_^
when are you going to kenya? and what part?
i'm going to nairobi the end of june!
how weird! i'll be there from june 17-26.
I'm also curious about the demon thing.
nope, not to kenya! i've been to nigeria but i've heard nairobi's a little more westernized than nigeria. i'm excited!
no, i'm actually going through the non-profit i work for [World Orphans]. it's kind of a long description of what we're doing... but basically the vision of World Orphans is Isaiah 1:17. my superiors want me to go and learn how to lead teams. this specific trip will be to strengthen the bond between local and indigenous churches and work with orphan homes. who are you going with and what will ya'll be doing?
that's so great!
so has africa stolen your heart or is that just the place God has called you in this season?
[if you don't want to talk over blog comments, you can email me]. anything africa conversation captures my interest!
that's really great. i definitely encourage you to keep seeking His will... it's the safest place to be [sometimes most terrifying, awkward, fun place, as well].
i can definitely relate to the latter. after returning from nigeria, things just haven't been the same [a good thing, i'm sure] and God continues to give me opportunities to go back. i'm also going to Nigeria in September [hopefully, Nigeria will be home eventually].
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