This is INCREDIBLY long-winded. I forgive anyone who doesn't read it.
About Me: (This'll Take Awhile, 'Cause I'm Incredibly Involved In My Life) I remember the first time I heard the sound of someone laughing in response to a joke I made. I loved the sound and feeling, so I aspired to continue trying to produce that sound. I got saved at five years old, or thereabouts. I always knew that a Christian was supposed to be different and stand out, so that people would ask what made them so different, and they could be a witness. This is why (and you can ask any friend on this) I was always known as a weird crazy type of guy. I genuinely tried to model my personality after what I thought a Christian was supposed to be like. From the ages of 5-10, my family, besides my dad, lived in LA, California, doing movies and commercials and such. At ten years old, our family came back to Texas, and I began to live as less of a celebrity.
At 12 years old, I wrote, directed, and starred in a short film called
Not It! that won the Austin Film Festival. This was in the fall of 2002. That summer, I had started asking God to speak to me. I prayed for the majority of the summer, and into the fall, just asking Him to speak to me. In September, I went with my mom to a service with a modern-day prophet, Kim Clement. As soon as she asked me if I wanted to go, I was absolutely sure that God was going to speak to me there. No doubt. I waited patiently through the whole service till he started prophesying about young inventors, and he pointed me out of the crowd from on stage and told me that I was gonna be a doctor and invent something in a weird way, like penicillin was invented. That December, I got a part in a movie called
Undercover Kids, and took off of school for a week and a half to drive to LA and film it. You can find info on
Not It! and
Undercover Kids at, if you'd like to check if I'm legit.
For the next few years, I started going to a youth camp in Dallas called Youth For The Nations (YFN). It is an incredible thing. In 2005, I think it was, I went there, and God told me to say something on stage. I doubted whether it was God, so I stayed put. Then I went on a family Mexico Missions trip a month later, and God spoke to me again to say something, then it ended up being said by a friend of mine. It was the first time I learned to recognize God's voice. Throughout my junior high and high school life, I yearned to be back in LA, and did acting wherever and whenever I could, whether in church or school.
In 2007, most of my friends graduated, and that summer, I joined an intense internship program with YFN called The Core. To this day and for days to come, I can still reference back to lessons I learned and experience I gained from my six weeks and six days there. This is where I saw demons manifest, friends get drunk and overcome by the Spirit (where they faint from so much God), and one friend of mine get an anointing for prophecy. This was no small anointing, either. She was telling people who they were going to marry and how many kids they were gonna have. It got a little out of control, so Pastor Jaycee, who heads up YFN, told her to write down the prophecies and stop telling people. This, fortunately, was before she got to me and told me that I'd be doing medical missions (to Kenya specifically), and talked about how my personality in itself would be a huge witnessing tool, plus a bunch of other junk.
The Core left me seeing everything in black and white, good or evil. I saw the flaws in my family and the world around me. As soon as I got home from school and until late at night, I would creep across myspace, text people, and whatever else, making connections, and pouring out this Spirit that had come upon me. I was on a continual spiritual high, which, I discovered after having my wisdom teeth removed, is very close in feeling to a physical high. The theme at the camp was to cause an Uproar. However, I found out that the authority in a household, if it is stubborn enough, can keep the Holy Spirit from barging in and throwing off its groove. This led me to discover that our family had a generational curse on it. I went to a deliverance conference, and the guy in charge helped me out and gave me a few tips on how to get things right at home. The big change came from submission to authority while still continuing in God-junk.
In 2008 (only a year of my life to go!), I was still constantly pouring out. I had become much better friends with Katie, 'cause we had loads of study halls together. I was also student council president, and she the treasurer, so we used that as an excuse to do whatever we wanted a lot. In April, I think it was, my friend, Cameron, who has loads of wisdom on junk, be it spiritual or anything else, told me about the problem with my body getting weak before pouring out, and how I needed more input if I was gonna pour out as much as I was. So I stopped pouring out so much, but shortly after this, Katie got curious about a bunch of spiritual stuff, so I got to pour into her a bunch till around the end of school.
I went on the Kenya Missions Trip, which was incredible. My dad was born in Nairobi, Kenya, a few miles from where we stayed. Although I joke a lot about being half-black, I really did feel at home among the African people. And I learned that being a deep sleeper has at least one benefit. You can sleep on HORRIBLE Kenyan roads which are more pothole than road.
Then I went to YFN, this time as a leader, getting to go to leadership workshops, which were so incredible, 'cause this was pastors teaching pastors. A lot of deliverance (by which I mean casting out demons and such) happened, and I got the opportunity to explain a lot of it to some friends of mine.
This past semester, I've had to deal with Mr. Harber... But that's not pleasant, so we can ignore that. I spent the entire semester waiting for God to hit me with His Spirit in power, but He told me to wait for others to step up before I step up again. The ones who were supposed to didn't, so this new semester, I've been stepping it up in leadership and things at school and church and elsewhere. I also started my junior high small group with my friend, Shayna, last semester. Nothing has been so rewarding as that. Those junior highers are hungry for God, and I'm one of the few patient enough to feed them what I've got. This semester, I've also started teaching a junior high Connect Class (Jesus class) at school with my friend, Jordan Wood. I'm also gonna be teaching junior high sunday school with a friend, Meaghan Ferguson, soon.
I also went to JaBUe and UT in the past few days.
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