Talk about fun! After sleeping through most of the day yesterday, I trooped off to meet Cassie, who would give me a ride to Angela's birthday party. After missing the street a few times, we made it to the house. Since it was mostly Paradigm leadership there, it was a grand ol' time. I kicked rear at Guitar Hero, more for my style than for my score, then we started up some Taboo. Holy crap, that game can cause division in the ministry. Shayna, Shadow, and Alan get SOOOOO competitive, it was hilarious. I made one joke in the middle of it, and Caleb gave me a "that's not appropriate" look. After this, I went for a walk with Trish and Cassie, and we ended up sitting on a couch labeled "free" for awhile. It was quite a talk, mostly talking about relationships and such 'cause Cassie's first question to me tends to be, "So, who do you have a crush on?" It was refreshing, 'cause Cassie had disappeared from anything social for months. Good quality time was had, and that's what gets me the most.
Abandoned couches always seem like prime locations for good conversations.
I want an abandoned couch
I just need a week or two off, I'll be back soon.
It's hard to just tell you what happened tonight without going into years of back story. Blogger is not the place for that conversation, lets do it face to face.
I like couches
So I really, really like this photo.
AND saying the word verifications out loud.
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