Monday was quite a day. Having decided not to go to the lakehouse, I fell asleep in our regular house till like noon, which was pretty good, considering that I was up till 4:00 AM the night before. I lazed around the house for a few hours, then a song inspired me to go out on the town. I first went to The Harbor, where I like to go to think sometimes, but luckily, I ran into my adopted sisters from my Kenya trip, Haley and Lauren. I hung out with them for a little bit, but then they wanted to go out to eat, and I had just eaten one of my classic toasted bagel sandwiches, so I endeavored to visit Cassie at work. However, upon texting her, I found out that she had gotten off work like ten minutes ago, and was too tired to do anything just yet. At this point, I remembered the robot-clock I had hanging on my rear-view mirror (, so I headed to Wal*Mart and got some batteries put in. On my way out, I met up with Michelle and Renee, and was shortly invited to go to Renee's house to eat some barbecue, and meat from the McBrides' is always good, 'cause it's freshly killed. Good ol' Texas meat. Also while there, they caught me up on the Black Hole group, particularly our friend the Rush. Later that night, I fell asleep.
Tuesday, I woke up. My car rides on the way to school, particularly in the beginning of the week, feel so good. I pop my favorite tunes and sing to God to my heart's content. The Jap is still on the loose, and still extremely Asian. Dual-Credit class had nothing of importance in it, but was followed by a hilariously eventful incident. When Tyler asked Elinor "What's that on your keychain", and her reply was "It's pepper spray, 'cause my parents don't want me to get raped at work," Tyler's assumption, a perfectly reasonable assumption, was that the pepper spray was actually a can of breath-freshener, and proceeded to spray it into his mouth. Tyler was soon in the bathroom recovering, and the school called poison control. Needless to say, Tyler spent the rest of the class drinking out of a bottle of mil
Wednesday, I woke up to remember that my dad's shower was messed up. Of course, what really jogged my memory was my occupied shower. In this way, I was forced to shower later than usual, which made my dad upset at me when I wasn't ready as soon as he would have wanted. I explained to him how he had had a part to play in that little number, but it wasn't worth fighting for, so I shoved it up to God, and took off, taking Alexandra to school on the way, which made me late for school. My first few classes went by fine, but then came Pre-Cal. Hold yon hosses. Mr. Harber, a teacher who God sent to our school during my freshman year to save us from a tyranically insane woman, teaches my Pre-Calculus class. But today, he made a fatal mistake: he told us to "unlearn" what we had been taught in every math class of our high school careers. He became angry that we became frustrated at his words, which, for me, made the class easier to stay awake through, and therefore made it more fun. He used the phrase, "Stay with me" quite often, making the assumption that if one of us talked, even on subject, he was losing us, like losing a rabid dog on a leash, so he would pull back quickly and say "Stay with me." That phrase in big, bold letters was the only form of note-taking that I've done in that class so far. >> Fast-forward to Paradigm. I don't know if it was the few sips of Monster I had before service, or those Jimmy Dean sausage biscuits I ate to save money, or the fact that the first song we sang in worship was "Happy Day", but something was kinda nutty during the service. I went cr-cr-cr-crazy during worship, which always feels good, but there was a difference. I wasn't standing alone at the front. Other people were standing up there. Fina-friggin'-lly! I wasn't the only one pumped tonight. Before the sermon, Alex and Megan sang a song that Megan Wood and Jolee had written, and they were both good singers, and the song was pretty dern great. The message was awesome, challenging each of us not to get our schools, city, or nation saved. Just one. One to lead to Christ, then disciple and teach.
I'm procrastinating homework, but I think I may be pushing my limits here. This Blog was long 'cause I felt like making it long. Take that.
lol. such teaching behavior is frustrating. still, pretty predictable considering it's a high school class. you know what i find even MORE frustrating? college professors who do the exact same thing. some on people, we're not preschoolers here....
I would just like to point out that you used the term "red-hot lips"...
great! I read all of it, and i completely understand the part about singing to God while driving. I wish you could have seen me today, i was driving back from Springdale and singing at the top of my lungs. My face actually hurt from smiling!
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