Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I did a standup show last month that felt like what I had set out to write two years ago. I sent the footage to my old manager from child actor days, and he signed me last week. Well, technically just added me on Actors Access and confirmed all of my details so he could shop me around. But he started talking about doctor hosting work that would pay $125k a year, which would be amazing, though in the moment, all I could think of was if they tried to get me to push ethically unsound drugs or vitamins. But obviously, making six figures as a celebrity doctor host is literally a job that I tried to search for a couple years ago. It would be a dream day job while I try to work up some tv and movie deals.

I did another show this past Thursday and reviewed that footage a couple days ago, which is exciting, because I spent many hours that day writing and rewriting the set. So now I know that I can be kinda decent with new standup even on short notice. Lots of room to improve, but I am worlds better than most any open mic comic.