Blogs, vlogs, and maybe a few other things have been moved to, but it's still under construction, so here's something fun for ya.
There are many days. Some are great. Some are less great, but still pretty okay. Others just stank. These are historical records of these lesser and greater greats.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Room and Roomy
So, a lot of people around here are interested in my blogs. It's weird. So I'm giving them the YouTube reference, rather than the Blogger one, 'cause sometimes I get royally cheesed off, and this blog is where I vent. If I have any rather personal junk not to be shared with the world, then I'll write it here. Sound good?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Dr. Scholl's and First Day of Classes
Yes, I will slowly be solving the mystery of whether or not my roommate, Clark Scholz, whose dad is a doctor, is the son of Dr. Scholl's.
Also, God is gonna have me write sermon/message type stuff on "attitude" and "back to the basics: love God, love people".
Lastly, does anyone know where I can look to see if someone will pay me to write blogs for their website? My brother told me that there are opportunities for it. I'm a big fan of opportunities.
blogs for hire,
Clark Scholz
Monday, August 24, 2009
Become All Things to All Men
Here's a written version of the video. The written part might make more sense.
1Cr 9:19 "Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible."
1Cr 9:22b-23 "I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings."
God has been pointing out this verse to me. It's all about being a well-rounded and relatable person. Paul talks about all the different people he has to interact with: poor, Jewish, lawless, etc. He becomes whatever they are, in order to be able to share with them the gospel of Christ. If you've never played a video game in your life, how will you be able to talk to a total nerd about God? If you've never played a sport in all your years, how will you talk in relatable terms with an athlete? If you never listen to rap, how can you relate to someone who adores that genre? AND IF YOU NEVER BLOG, SHOULDN'T YOU AT LEAST READ SOME??? (that last part was for Michelle)
To be able to lead as many as possible to Christ, we need to be approachable on the level of those we encounter. So at least dabble in a lil' of everything so you can have an understanding with all those around you. Paul's reasons are to: lead people to Christ, and share in the blessing of the gospel. I'd like a share of that blessing. Wouldn't you?
1 Corinthians,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
First Day at College

Well, college is certainly a new thing. I was friends with a bunch of Orientation people that I met during my visit in the spring, so I didn't feel completely out of it. I had decided that I didn't like JBU until the Big Game tonight, where they divided the freshmen into teams and we all competed My team got last place (I was purple), not that I care, but it was fun, 'cause I got to show off my face-making skills.
My dorm roommate is Clark Scholz, son of Dr. Scholz. He hasn't slept in in a long time 'cause he's a farmer, so he aims for 6:30 in the morning for waking up. We get along great, so I'm looking forward to this year.
Here's the rap video our family made while at Beaver Lake. My oldest brother, Chas, is the one doing the dirty dancing. Enjoy!
Beaver Lake,
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Practical Application
I was just standing there. Just standing, holding for dear life to the "DANGER: Do not dive or jump" sign which, according to the locals, is the marker for the best cliff-jumping spot in that area. "10, 9, 8..." I hear from below... But when the count reached zero, I still hadn't made a move. I know it won't kill me. I'm not even the first to do it. I've seen other people do it, and how glad they are that they did it... But still, to jump off the edge into that deep blue below... Butterflies bellydance in my tum-tum just thinking about it. The boat full of people below go silent for a moment, and I have time to pray. "God, do you want me to do this?". "Well DUH!" seems to be the immediate reply. This time, I begin the countdown, "10, 9, 8..." and at zero, butterflies fly through my belly, around my throat, then back down, and then I realize that I'm still on my way to that deep blue. This is taking so long! I'm still anticipating. Butterflies have begun dancing in my toes, but are immediately stamped down as they're pounded upwards by the water below. "Poor things," I think, until I realize that a similar fate awaits me at the end of the moment. I hit the water, and am fully immersed. No regrets on my end.
Here it is, practical application of holiness. It's time for one big "YES!!!" to God, with a million implied "no"s to all the stupid things the world throws in my face.
I told my dad what God told me to tell him while I was in LA (he needs to be teaching, 'cause he studies and watches Christian preachers and junk all the time, but he doesn't pour out). And a simple apology came out after an incident involving my new sunglasses going for a dive, which was a confirmation in the realm of the little things. This family is gonna make it after all.
I move into my dorm tomorrow. And one of my dad's stock deals is supposed to go through tomorrow too. I didn't invest, but maybe I can make a few bucks off of it, being the poor college student I am.
Here it is, practical application of holiness. It's time for one big "YES!!!" to God, with a million implied "no"s to all the stupid things the world throws in my face.
I told my dad what God told me to tell him while I was in LA (he needs to be teaching, 'cause he studies and watches Christian preachers and junk all the time, but he doesn't pour out). And a simple apology came out after an incident involving my new sunglasses going for a dive, which was a confirmation in the realm of the little things. This family is gonna make it after all.
I move into my dorm tomorrow. And one of my dad's stock deals is supposed to go through tomorrow too. I didn't invest, but maybe I can make a few bucks off of it, being the poor college student I am.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
LA then Lakehouse
I got a Macbook Pro and I love it!
I went to LA last week for the first time in seven years. Everything seemed perfect. The weather, the beach, the city life... Then you start to notice the homeless there. It's funny, 'cause Jordan and I were talking about how we could spend a summer there just surfing and enjoying everything. The only problem would be food. Well, as it happens, that's exactly what the homeless people think before they go there, and then they become homeless and people give them food. But they love the streets because it is seemingly the "dream life". Drugs are easy to get on the streets, and demonic junk is seen as a pretty incurable mental illness, and people don't wanna give up the drugs or the demons because they are comforted by them, and they don't have to do anything with the life they have.
God saw the desire of my heart and arranged it so that I got to meet the man The Soloist was based on, Nathaniel Anthony Ayers. It was incredible to meet such a talented man, and be ministering on the very streets where stories like his can be found. Dennis, Donald, Mark,
I got to see my sister step out a lot and move in the gift of discernment (sniffing demons), I prophesied a bit, and our group bonded. I learned more about being a revivalist or "anabaptist" as a 100-year-old book we found called it, by discussing it a lot with Rachel Chapman.
On the last day of the LA trip, the Spirit came upon me and we had street rappin' ministry on Hollywood Blvd, next to the Chinese Theatre and all that. So I danced in the Spirit, and the crowd doubled. I'll have the video for you in a few days. It's on the desktop, and I'll set it up when I move into my dorm. Anyway, that night a man, Ariel, got saved, and I met a homeless man who had both literally and figuratively been stabbed in the back by his wife. He offered me beer, but I respectfully declined.
Now, I'm on my family vacation. Anthony prophesied over me that what I did really would create change in my family, that it isn't a hopeless endeavor. My oldest brother is here, but, like my dad, he's hesitant to step down from his lil' pedestal and be open.
I've got a sibling who doesn't seem to have been baptized in the Spirit, or so they tell me. Talk about boring!
I went to LA last week for the first time in seven years. Everything seemed perfect. The weather, the beach, the city life... Then you start to notice the homeless there. It's funny, 'cause Jordan and I were talking about how we could spend a summer there just surfing and enjoying everything. The only problem would be food. Well, as it happens, that's exactly what the homeless people think before they go there, and then they become homeless and people give them food. But they love the streets because it is seemingly the "dream life". Drugs are easy to get on the streets, and demonic junk is seen as a pretty incurable mental illness, and people don't wanna give up the drugs or the demons because they are comforted by them, and they don't have to do anything with the life they have.
God saw the desire of my heart and arranged it so that I got to meet the man The Soloist was based on, Nathaniel Anthony Ayers. It was incredible to meet such a talented man, and be ministering on the very streets where stories like his can be found. Dennis, Donald, Mark,
I got to see my sister step out a lot and move in the gift of discernment (sniffing demons), I prophesied a bit, and our group bonded. I learned more about being a revivalist or "anabaptist" as a 100-year-old book we found called it, by discussing it a lot with Rachel Chapman.
On the last day of the LA trip, the Spirit came upon me and we had street rappin' ministry on Hollywood Blvd, next to the Chinese Theatre and all that. So I danced in the Spirit, and the crowd doubled. I'll have the video for you in a few days. It's on the desktop, and I'll set it up when I move into my dorm. Anyway, that night a man, Ariel, got saved, and I met a homeless man who had both literally and figuratively been stabbed in the back by his wife. He offered me beer, but I respectfully declined.
Now, I'm on my family vacation. Anthony prophesied over me that what I did really would create change in my family, that it isn't a hopeless endeavor. My oldest brother is here, but, like my dad, he's hesitant to step down from his lil' pedestal and be open.
I've got a sibling who doesn't seem to have been baptized in the Spirit, or so they tell me. Talk about boring!
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Soloist
Thank God for friends like Jordan Wood who can tell me when crap is an attack from the enemy so I don't keep getting mad at people.
Last night, I watched The Soloist. It's about a musically gifted man with a mental disorder living on the streets of LA. What I realized part of the way through the film is that the life of this man that the movie was trying to portray is the life of many of the people I'm about to go serve on the LA missions trip. Skid Row was mentioned, among other streets and areas. There is even a chance that I could run into the men portrayed in the film. It's all real. It's not distant, 'cause it's where I'm going tomorrow.
Skid Row,
The Soloist
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Few Important Tidbits.
What I LOVE to do, and never get enough chances to do, is to give hundreds of dollars' worth of stuff away to my friends who would be really blessed by it. They only get the item; I get the joy of giving.
I got to hang out with a bunch of my really good friends this past week, which I was hoping to do before college. First was at a closed-invite party at the lakehouse with Bri, Brett, Cameron, Trish, Cassie, James, and Josh Newman. I couldn't ask for a better weekend with friends.
Chad Rush has been spending the night the last few nights. He might be living here soon.

We ordered my Macbook Pro on Tuesday.
I need to pack for college
I'm looking at four panda masks and a pirate flag, deciding whether or not to take them to JBU.
After talking with both Josh and Chad, I've come to realize how jealous some people are of my gifts of the Spirit, and how I feel the same about theirs a lot. Don't get me wrong, I like wisdom, but being able to sense demonic junk sounds more fun to me sometimes. Anyway, we are the body of Christ, and we all work together. I just hope I can find some people with discernment when I go to JBU. I seem drawn to that type.
I am a revivalist.
I got to hang out with a bunch of my really good friends this past week, which I was hoping to do before college. First was at a closed-invite party at the lakehouse with Bri, Brett, Cameron, Trish, Cassie, James, and Josh Newman. I couldn't ask for a better weekend with friends.
Chad Rush has been spending the night the last few nights. He might be living here soon.
We ordered my Macbook Pro on Tuesday.
I need to pack for college
I'm looking at four panda masks and a pirate flag, deciding whether or not to take them to JBU.
After talking with both Josh and Chad, I've come to realize how jealous some people are of my gifts of the Spirit, and how I feel the same about theirs a lot. Don't get me wrong, I like wisdom, but being able to sense demonic junk sounds more fun to me sometimes. Anyway, we are the body of Christ, and we all work together. I just hope I can find some people with discernment when I go to JBU. I seem drawn to that type.
I am a revivalist.
Chad Rush,
Josh Newman,
Macbook Pro,
spiritual gifts,
Trish Key
Saturday, August 1, 2009
"Is My Roommate Gellin?"
Turns out that the Romans read today was exactly what I needed. God and I are square, I think.
On a side note, I will be ordering my Macbook Pro soon, and I may give a shot at doing some video blogs. Not to get anyone too excited, but I think I'll be documenting my solving the mystery of whether my roommate, the son of Dr. Scholz, is actually the son of Dr. Scholls. "Is my roommate gellin'?"
On a side note, I will be ordering my Macbook Pro soon, and I may give a shot at doing some video blogs. Not to get anyone too excited, but I think I'll be documenting my solving the mystery of whether my roommate, the son of Dr. Scholz, is actually the son of Dr. Scholls. "Is my roommate gellin'?"
Dr. Scholls,
Dr. Scholz,
Macbook Pro,
Spertly Drrr?
I don't remember going through a spiritually dry season since, well, before The Core. Or if I did have a "season", it lasted a week or two tops. I suppose it's not that dry, considering that God does talk to me. It's just that He talks to me specifically about the future, and it feels like we haven't really just talked about life. Anyway, it might just be the whole transition from high school to college thing, but still, I'm gonna need Him working with me when we go to LA, and I don't wanna just get there and say, "Will You finally talk to me now that this guy needs a Word from You?"
Then again, I feel like He wants to talk to me now. And what better book to hear from Him than Romans?
spiritually dry,
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